If you are one of the many sufferers of acid reflux disease, then you know what its like to feel your throat burn, and taste that god awful taste in the back of your mouth. The feeling of your stomach acid creeping up your esophagus and sometimes flowing into your mouth can practically drive a person into a hunger strike. I know many people who have cut almost everything out of their diet because of acid reflux and there quality of life has decreased drastically.
Of course there is many cures, prescription, over the counter or natural for acid reflux, but every person is different in the sense that some or all remedies might not work, or loose there effectiveness after many uses. The worse part is while laying in bed, the condition worsens because of gravity and the victim of acid reflux finds it almost impossible to fall asleep, and often spends many nights spitting up stomach bile, and popping Tums after Tums and pepcid AC after pill, and trying remedy after remedy. While the conventional treatments work for some people, they do not work for all. This brings me to the part where i get to let you in on a all natural cure for acid reflux. It actually works! 80% of people who tried it, said it worked like magic.
Most acid indigestion or heartburn remedies work by neutralizing the acid in your stomach with a strong base. Unlike most remedies, this natural cure works the complete opposite way and actually fights acid with acid. What is it? Apple Cider Vinegar! Sounds like B.S. doesn't it? In fact, the remedy has been around for many years, dating back to 1900 when people used to take a swig of vinegar to relieve the acid problem. Its up to you to try it, and see if it works. The directions are simple and are as followed. Drink one small glass of apple cider vinegar mixed with a bit of water, when you feel your acid indigestion creeping up. Just to warn you all, it will make it worse momentarily, but then it should completely get rid of the acid condition. I hope this helps you acid reflux suf! ferers o ut there. One more thing before i leave, i thought i should mention 3 tips to keeping your acid indigestion under control.
1.Try a high protein/low carb diet.
2.Dont eat foods late at night
3.Dont eat pastry.
Good luck!
Tyler D Falls - Inforesearcher.com