Ask any expert and they?ll all agree that EATING is what keeps your metabolism in ?fat burning? mode, while hunger forces the body into starvation mode, causing it to use it's fat supply sparingly. Your body does this as a self-defense mechanism. If you don?t provide food to supply yourself energy, fat is then used in its place. When this happens, the body instinctively burns the fat at a much slower pace...the stomach being the last place fat is used up.
During your restful night, the lack of food consumption triggers this starvation mode; consequently, your metabolism slows down. This is the reason that you've heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast will kick-start your metabolism as it recognizes that there is no longer a need to conserve the fat for energy. Thus, your body begins to use your fat source again at a normal pace.
So, if eating is what causes your body to continue to burn fat, the key is to learn what foods cause you to lose the weight, not gain it. FYI, there are secret ingredients that manufacturers use that cause Food Addiction, (you're addicted to their products so you continue to purchase them) shut down our Appetite Control, (you're able to eat much more than you normally would/could/should) and cause us to gain weight, mainly Belly Fat! This is extremely beneficial for the manufacturers because you buy more, eat more and the ingredients are cheaper than the healthier additives; thus, increasing profits again. It's certainly a win, win, win situation for the companies who choose to pois.on our foods with cheap substitutes. Not only are these ingredients highly addictive, but also, they lurk in foods that manu.facturers call ?all natural,? ?healthy,? ?low-fat,? and ?low-carb.? They pump fat precisely to the stomach area and are difficult to digest. Belly fat can?t be burned as easily as other body fat because it is not used as an immediate source of energy. Notice that although we consume tons of ?low-fat,? and! ?low-ca rb? foods, it is a known fact that obesity is at an all time high. This is not a coincidence.
Shockingly, belly fat directly affects our vital organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys and can be linked to most major health problems. You must learn how to avoid gaining and storing this dangerous type of fat...called visceral fat. By slightly adjusting your food choices, you could easily redirect your destiny. You can live a healthier, longer life while losing what's left of your tummy bulge and increasing your self-confidence and desirability. Belly fat causes major health problems that range from heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, obesity and as a result, sometimes Death! The key is to choose name brands that are completely safe and/or beneficial to your health. In most cases, there's no need to give up your favorite items, just choose them wisely.
One example of food poisons associated with major health problems is sodium. We take in an average 4000mg-7000mg/day when it's necessary and recommended to take in only 200mg/day to keep fluids in balance. Too much sodium (table salt) weakens your bones, causes stomach cancer, and causes cell repair mechanisms to shut down. It also has caused kidney damage in test mice and is known to cause kidney stones, high blood pressure and be.lly fat. HINT: Purchase your meats and cheeses from the deli in order to avoid much of the sodium used for preservation. Purchase enough for ONLY 1 week. Since it doesn?t contain the harmful preservative, sodium, that plagues our health, it's unable to retain its freshness for extended periods of time.
Remember, approximately 85% of the way your body looks is based on what you eat and don?t eat. Only 15% revolves around exercise. Surprised? Isn't this great news? THE BETTER NEWS! You don?t have to give up sweets or eat less! You can automatically lose weight and gain health by making better choices of the brands of foods you eat. Yes, you've got it! Usually, it?s! just a matter of choosing one brand over another...without calculating or counting...It's really that EASY!
Get informed today on foods that cause you to lose weight and additives that inject dangerous fat into your system. Remember one thing... just because a manufacturer produces one healthy product doesn?t mean they will be consistent with all of their products.
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