วันจันทร์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Cure Heartburn Effectively: On Pocket Change

Even as a child I suffered with bouts of heartburn. These infrequent episodes followed me on into my teenage years, and then into adulthood. Still yet a small bottle of 'Rolaids' would last me for quite a while and alleviate the burn. At 28 I became pregnant with my first child and as I entered my last trimester, my heartburn bothered me daily. This was viewed by my physician as a relatively common occurrence for pregnant women.

After the birth of my son my heartburn problem eased back to the normal rate (for me), at about two to three times per month. This frequency had always been normal for me since young adulthood. Then by the time I reached 40, I found myself in a most uncomfortable predicament, that nagging burn would be present nearly every day for a week at a time. I needed more and more over the counter antacids to fight the relentless burn.

Finally it became progressively worse and developed into full-blown acid reflux disease. Over the counter remedies no longer worked efficiently and I headed to my doctor for relief. I took prescription medication for several years, but the cost was eating up my bank balance to the tune of between three and six dollars a day! From there I was referred to a specialist (gastroenterologist) to investigate further for a possible cause internally. A colonoscopy and endoscopy were done (two very evasive tests) , luckily nothing was amiss. The good doctor informed me I would most likely need medications indefinitely.

What a disappointment no obvious cause, and a lifetime of drugs with no eventual cure? That's what I despise about the current medical system. Medications only change the acidity level of stomach acids, so there is less burn. Sometimes people get talked into an even more evasive procedure, surgery, to eliminate this disease. Think of the endless money making potential involved here as millions suffer from this very avoidable condition.

Now how about trying the cheap alternative water cure? Heartburn or acid reflux is a signa! l that y our body is short of water in the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract. Long term use of medications to treat acid will eventually produce inflammation in your stomach and duodenum, which can manifest into a hiatal hernia, ulcers, esophagus cancer, liver and pancreatic cancers.

The avoidable tragedy is, plain water is most effective if given the necessary time to heal and cure. Water is so important throughout the whole digestive tract in digesting food and eliminating wastes.

The water cure is quite simple, and if you are serious enough to begin using it, you absolutely must limit other beverages three-quarters of the time to enjoy the healing effects.

I no longer have to depend on medications for keeping my acid levels down, and thankfully I did not end up in surgery to end all of this.

How about you, how open minded are you to ending your acid levels that's causing you misery and suffering? Would you like to start keeping a portion of your hard earned money to spend on more fun things than standard medical treatment? There is no end to their vicious cycle, but you can end it with proper hydration.

Brenda Skidmore has spent the last three years researching natural health care alternatives. She can attest to the many benefits of natural practical cures and preventive strategies for human health. Along with the many medical professionals whose published works she has studied. It is her sincere desire to bring forth this knowledge for the betterment of mankind. To improve your life today visit mywater4life.com
