Almost everyone gets heartburn sometimes, but persistent heartburn or chronic heartburn may be cause for concern. What works best to treat heartburn depends on what foods or other factors may be causing the heartburn. Anyone who suffers from persistent heartburn, typically defined as heartburn symptoms experienced two or three times per week, should have their symptoms evaluated by their physician. Even people who experience symptoms only once a week may feel that they have persistent heartburn. Heartburn symptoms are not pleasant, ranging from a slight burning sensation in the back of the throat to chest pain and other symptoms that are similar to a heart attack. Whenever chest pain is involved, it is best to err on the side of caution.
There are many different causes of persistent heartburn and what works best to treat heartburn varies depending on the individual. Antacids or acid reducers typically work quickly. Some people are allergic to antacids. Some people feel they have a chalky taste. And some people just don?t like to take anything that they consider unnatural. What works best to treat heartburn for these people may be one of the herbal remedies on the market.
Herbal remedies for indigestion and heartburn relief typically contain fennel, ginger or mint oil, alone or in combination. The most common over the counter medicines for indigestion and heartburn relief are acid reducers; some contain calcium carbonate or other minerals. Directions for use indicate that acid reducers should not be taken more than twice in a 24 hour period, so those who suffer from persistent heartburn may end up taking more than they should. Most prescription medications are designed to be taken on a daily basis to prevent persistent heartburn. For those who prefer an herbal remedy, there are products that are designed to help prevent persistent heartburn when taken on a regular basis. What works best to treat heartburn that is experienced frequently is often a preventive medication.
! It is co mmonly accepted that eating highly acidic foods, like tomatoes and citrus fruits, can lead to heartburn. Those who suffer from persistent heartburn are generally advised to avoid certain foods. Changing one?s diet may be what works best to treat heartburn by preventing it. If changing ones diet is undesirable, some heartburn herbal remedies and over the counter acid reducers are designed to be taken before a meal that one knows will include problematic foods. Products in the form of tablets are taken with a glass of water 30 minutes to one hour before eating. Drops that provide indigestion and heartburn relief are also available for those who can not or do not like to take pills. Most people suffer from heartburn following certain foods, but people who suffer from persistent heartburn may experience symptoms no matter what they eat.
It is believed that eating large meals is one of the many causes of heartburn. Those who suffer from persistent heartburn are usually advised to avoid large meals. What works best to treat heartburn or prevent heartburn in some cases is eating small meals every couple of hours rather than two or three large meals. When the stomach is overly full, it is more likely to leak or ?reflux? acid back up into the esophagus, causing the burning sensation. Thus, avoiding large meals may help prevent heartburn.
This eating schedule is also recommended for weight loss, because it maintains blood glucose levels and improves metabolism. Overweight people experience symptoms of persistent heartburn more often than those who are at their ideal weight. Many lifestyle changes that help prevent persistent heartburn also help people lose weight. Losing weight may be what works best to treat heartburn, by way of prevention. Anything that puts pressure on the stomach can lead to heartburn, whether it is tight fitting clothing or extra pounds. Fried, spicy and fatty foods can all cause heartburn and efforts to avoid these may not only reduce the frequency of persistent he! artburn, but improve one?s overall health.
Stress, smoking, drinking alcoholic or carbonated beverages and even certain types of exercise can all lead to persistent heartburn. What works best to treat heartburn in these cases is to look at the cause. While moderate regular exercise is helpful, squatting, bending and running can bring on or worsen heartburn. Any exercise, other than a leisurely stroll, that follows a meal, particularly a large one, will often bring on heartburn.
Efforts to reduce stress, eating in a relaxed environment, chewing slowly may be what works best to treat heartburn, again by way of prevention. Anxiety, stress and eating on the run can all lead to symptoms of persistent heartburn. Persistent heartburn that is brought on by stress or anxiety may include different medications. Only you and your physician can determine if anxiety is a problem for you.
It is next to impossible to avoid everything that may cause heartburn all the time, but it is possible to quit smoking, eat smaller meals, get regular exercise and avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages. Anyone who experiences persistent heartburn should have their symptoms evaluated by a physician. A physician can help you look at the possible causes and decide what works best to treat heartburn for you.
For more information about heartburn and other common digestive problems, visit
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