Heart burn is caused by stomach acid leaking into the lower throat or esophagus. How to get rid of heart burn symptoms or the burning sensation that you feel in your throat or chest varies depending on the severity and the cause. Many different things can lead to heartburn. Here we look at the things that may lead to heart burn and ways to get rid of it.
In some people heart burn is caused by overeating. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner may lead to a lot of adults with heartburn. The worst thing to do is lie down, because of the gravity factor. More acid may leak into the esophagus causing more or worsening symptoms of heartburn. How to get rid of heart burn following a large meal may require a couple of things. Either sit quietly or go for a leisurely walk. Take an antacid tablet, drink fennel tea or try another herbal product designed for the relief or heart burn symptoms. Peppermint or another mint may help.
Heart burn is caused by eating acidic foods in some cases. Tomatoes and tomato products, as well as citrus fruits may lead to symptoms of heart burn. If you want to know how to get rid of heart burn after eating lasagna, spaghetti, pizza or similar foods, try a peppermint. Peppermint candy may or may not do the trick. Some mint candies only use peppermint flavoring. Peppermint oil is an ingredient in several over the counter antacids and anti-gas products.
Sometimes heart burn is caused by drinking coffee or sodas. People who suffer from acid reflux are advised to avoid coffee and carbonated beverages. For a drink water is best. Alcoholic beverages may lead to heart burn, as well. Once again, how to get rid of heart burn that follows a beverage requires an antacid or herbal remedy of some sort.
Because the major symptom of heart burn is caused by stomach acid, pressure on the stomach may lead to or worsen symptoms. How to get rid of heart burn, in this case, may be as simple as loosening your belt. Stress can lead to heart burn. Try to eat in a rel! axed set ting and try to remain relaxed while your food is digesting. If you must have a quick lunch at work in a fast paced environment, eat a small, light meal. Avoid the fried foods, tomato products, the dill pickle and the orange slices. Even a fruit puree and definitely a cappuccino are bad choices for anyone prone to afternoon indigestion and heartburn. But, anything that we eat or drink can lead to symptoms of heart burn. Determining what your own heart burn is caused by may require a food diary or at least a mental note of when and after what the heartburn occurs. How to get rid of heart burn symptoms depends on the cause.
Those who suffer from the symptoms of heart burn frequently should consult their physician. While most of us have heart burn once in a while and we may or may not know what factors the heart burn is caused by, chronic heartburn can be a symptom of a more serious health problem. For instance, those who suffer from acid reflux have symptoms of heart burn. How to get rid of heart burn for them often requires a daily medication or herbal product, as well as lifestyle changes advised by their health care professional.
For more information about how to get rid of heart burn, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.
Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at http://www.digestive-disorders-guide.com