วันเสาร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Health: Positive Attitudes Affirmations & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges

Health Challenges like Diabetes, HIV, Heart Disease (mainly heart attacks), Stroke/CVA, COPD/Emphysema/Chronic Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Alzheimers, Kidney Disease, Septicemia/Systemic Infection, Liver Disease/Cirrhosis are diseases and disorders that require all the tools of heaven and earth to fight. Below are some poistive thinking techniques that are alternative medicine and alternative healing for your mind.

Beginning your healing journey:

1. Separate YOUR identity from the disease's identity.

2. You are a person, who is having a disease experience. 3. Recognize that an experience comes and goes!

4. Your Disease/disorder ?experience? is your life's reset button! Learn from it.

5. Disease may be in your physical body, however, it is NOT in your Soul or spiritual body!!!

Your health challenge is a diagnosis. Although it affects your life, it is NOT necessarily a life sentence. Rather than fearfully accepting your diagnosis, do research! Knowledge is empowering.

Health Affirmations: A spiritual healing is different from a physical healing!! Your goal is integration and the balance of both to create allover well being and health. Talk to your cells, your blood, your organs, your bones, etc, they are live entities!!!!! You are the commander of YOUR body! Take charge and command your cells to be healthy. You do not have to accept and enable what's happening to them. You may command the cells in your body that are here to serve your Soul!

Cancel, Cancel, Cancel, Next, Positive!: Remember thoughts have ripple effects. To stop every negative thought and action in your environment whether you think it, say it, or are in the field of someone else who says or does something negative.

POSITIVE PEOPLE ONLY!!! YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! You can erode all of the positive energy that you have generated by being in negative circumstances. Do not repeat negative thoughts and actions or be in the presence of negative energies (ie ?downer? individuals, no matter where! , caregi vers, friends, stores, phone calls, emails etc).

NEVER EVER OWN YOUR DISORDER & make it a part of your being! Anger: at your disease circumstances lowers the energy that you use to heal yourself. Positive energy creates more healing energy.

Fear management:

Fear is a wonderful barometer, as long as you use it to take care of yourself, to listen to your intuition, and to be vigilant about your health care. Don't dwell on your negatives. The Bible does not say, ?count thy negatives.? When you are afraid or depressed, count your positives.

Counting positives repels depression, and redirects you mentally, and raises your energy. Keep mentally and physically busy. Remember when you lay down at night, you are NOT alone. You may be physically alone, however the entire Universe and all of your Guardians are right there with you AT ALL TIMES! That?s a HUGE crowd that cares and will always be there for you!!!

When you have a new diagnosis of your experience, what do YOU believe and buy into?

UNTIL the Universe presents a tangible, don't kill yourself off with fearful what ifs.

LIVE!! Do your research. IF you ever have another confrontation, THEN and ONLY then do you address that with energy. Never give your life force energy to what fearfully might be UNTIL and UNLESS it IS! Otherwise YOU will manifest the energy thought form INTO your body!!!

Create a positive energy turnarounds to your negative statements.

I just can't do this anymore, add ?at this time or, In a few minutes I will be better.

I'm trying. Trying is for trying on shoes or clothes or new restaurants. You must DO this! YOUR life depends on it!

I'm just not getting any better, add YET. You never know what can happen in the next minute, a new medical procedure or treatment may be released.

I don't have any hope left. AS long as there is a God/ the Universe/ your Higher Power, and you believe and have faith in that Higher Power, there is HOPE!!! And POSSIBILITY! Even if! you don 't feel you have hope, hope is still there. Hope IS the human spirit.

I'm doing the best I can....add up to this point!!! Reach into the depths of your Soul's reserves, and DO more !!! YOUR life depends on it!

I don't really believe in all this stuff I'm doing. What do you want your Higher Power to do with your duplicity? You are in charge of choosing your exit points. Take charge of your life Literally!!!!

and I'll do it later. I'm tired There is NO later.......If you wait too long, you may be with your Higher Power. Take charge of your life, it's the only one you've got! Denial drains and lowers your life force energy. Use your life force energy to heal your body.

Keep a Daily Thankful Diary, a HAPPY BOOK:

This exercise will create a positive mindset, and give you strength thru the ups and downs. Take pictures, and narrate your journey. Your story will help others.

Write 3 things that you are thankful for each morning, afternoon, and before you go to bed.

Make this your Happy Book. DO NOT NEGLECT THIS BOOK!..... Non-healing: I don't have time to write this, I can't write this, then dictate to a friend!

I don't have anything to be thankful for ........ try being alive?

Time Outs are OK: If you are truly Soul weary, take a time out. However, LIMIT the timeframe of your time out to a morning, an afternoon, or ONLY one day. Just tell your family and caregivers, that you want some time off to rest. When you are refreshed and ready to go, start taking charge of your thoughts words and actions again. This is not a time to take a long time out. Your life depends on it!

Sleep: Sleep allows your body to recalibrate your life force energy. Don?t be ashamed to sleep. Sleep is healing!

And last but NOT least, Perspective: There is ALWAYS someone who is worse off than you????.and although you may not be happy with your current situation, they would be GLAD to trade place with you and your situation!

Choose to ?Experience? you! r Health Challenge, Believe YOU Are, and BE the Survivor!

You are invited to download our free pamphlet with excerpts from this book. We hope this will help you with your healing journey. Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges ISBN#: 978-0-9766370-3-5 - at http://www.brentatwater.com/ or http://www.brentenergywork.com/BOOK Disease.htm

Feel Free to reprint this article in it's original format with the disclaimer.

Brent Atwater
Atlanta, GA 1.404.242.9022 USA
NC Office: 1.910.692.5206 USA
email: Brent@BrentAtwater.com

Disclaimer: There are no guarantees about the healing properties of these suggestions. We can only state that positive results have been documented for individual clients and research in this area continues. Ms Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Ms Atwater works in Alternative, Integrative and Complementary Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or health care provider concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change program.

Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Distance Healer: Her global Medical Intuitive & Distance Healing has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for pets by the NCSU's Veterinary school. ARTIST: An artist (30+), Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting the Healing benefits of Paintings that Heal?. Her art was featured on PBS. At 16, the NC Museum of Art chose her painting for their permanent collection. In 1987 she founded Just Plain Love? Charitable Trust to benefit children & other causes. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love? Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. Cancer Kids, God's Special Children, & Positive Attitudes, Affirm! ations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges These books are holistic, alternative medicine & alternative healing for your mind. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER:On TV & radio shows, Brent's motto is I want my art & books to DO good, as well as BE good!!! Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.
