It is possible to find a natural cure for heart burn symptoms. There are natural remedies providing heartburn relief that have been handed down from generation to generation. Practically everyone has experienced occasional heartburn. Chronic heartburn may be caused by how much or what foods a person chooses to eat, what he or she chooses to drink and other lifestyle issues, but it can also be a symptom of more serious medical conditions. If you watch what you eat, when you eat and what you drink, but you still experience heartburn once or more per week, you should have your symptoms evaluated by a physician.
Fennel tea is one natural cure for heartburn. Fennel seeds are available at most grocery stores and can be ordered online from companies that sell herbs and other natural products. A tea is created by seeping one or two teaspoons of seeds in eight ounces of boiling water. Many people find that fennel tea provides heartburn relief. Fennel is an ingredient in some over the counter medications for heartburn relief.
Gingerroot is a natural cure for heartburn. Gingerroot is available at many grocery stores. Ginger or gingerroot is also an ingredient in some over the counter medications for heartburn relief.
Rhubarb was used by Native Americans as a cure for heartburn and indigestion. Rhubarb grows wild, can be purchased (when in season) at some grocery stores and can be grown in your own garden. Rhubarb stalks reach maturity in early summer or late spring and can be frozen in chunks for later use. Rhubarb is not typically found in over the counter medications for heartburn relief. It is what is known as a ?folk remedy? for heartburn relief. Many people are turning back to the ancient remedies and even pharmaceutical companies have begun to investigate the medicinal properties of botanicals or plants. This natural cure for heartburn may neutralize the stomach acid that causes the burning sensation or saliva produced by the chewing action may provide the heartburn relief! . Saliv a in the mouth and throat naturally neutralizes stomach acid. Smoking, which dries out the mouth and throat may worsen or bring on symptoms of heart burn.
If you have an herb garden, be sure to include peppermint. Peppermint has been used traditionally as a natural cure for heartburn, gas and indigestion. Many people have found heartburn relief by chewing on the washed leaves and stems. It can be added to fennel tea, both to improve flavor and to help relieve the gas and soothe the throat. Peppermint oil is a well known cure for heart burn and indigestion. It is an ingredient in many over the counter products sold for indigestion and heartburn relief. Other mints may work as well. Some less common mints are used in products sold by companies that specialize in natural remedies for common ailments, including heartburn relief.
Before you try a natural cure for heartburn, investigate the ingredients. If you are unfamiliar with an ingredient and you have allergies, check with your allergist before using. Natural does not always mean safe. Some herbal remedies sold as a cure for heartburn may cause unwanted side effects and should be used with care and caution. For example, pregnant women should not use products that contain slippery elm and should always consult there doctor before using anything to treat heartburn that is not a common food product, to which they are not allergic. Heartburn is fairly common during pregnancy because of the extra pressure on the stomach. Chewing on a chunk of rhubarb should be safe and may provide quick heartburn relief.
There is not a single specific cure for heartburn that works for everyone. Even prescription medications designed to prevent heartburn do not always work, which is why there are several different prescription medications on the market. People who suffer from chronic heartburn or acid reflux sometimes have to try different products before they find one that works well for them. Lifestyle changes may prevent or provide heartbur! n relief . Eating smaller meals in a relaxed environment, avoiding caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy and highly acidic foods may prevent the need for a heartburn relief medication. Sometimes the best cure for heartburn is prevention.
Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at