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Heartburn (GERD) ? Simple Diet Changes For Prevention and Cure

Heartburn is the common name for GERD, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Here we are going to give you some advice to prevent heartburn (GERD) and relieve the symptoms of this unpleasant condition.

Why Does Heartburn Occur?

GERD, occurs when enzymes and stomach acid escape the stomach and rise into the esophagus.

Unlike the stomach, which is protected by a thick layer of mucus, the esophagus is susceptible to damage due to the strong digestive juices in the stomach and may be damaged over time.

More specifically, the GERD effect happens when the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus is weakened and the pressure between the stomach and esophagus is uneven.

Why is heartburn so unpleasant?

When the pressure in the stomach is too high or the pressure in the esophagus is too low, with the sphincter is relaxed, the stomach acid can flow backward, up into the esophagus.

This is always experienced as an unpleasant burning sensation that gradually travels upward from the stomach into the throat, along with a sour, bitter taste in the mouth.

The stomach digestive liquids can also reach the upper esophagus and trachea, causing or worsening a variety of conditions, such as asthma, chronic cough, sinusitis (swelling of the sinuses), pneumonia, and other.

What are the causes?

GERD can be caused by any number of reasons, but generally the list includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Side effects of certain medications, obesity, pregnancy, menopause, inherited traits, large and too frequent meals,poor dietary habits, smoking, surgical or other damage to the lower esophageal sphincter, esophagitis, and reclining too soon after a meal.

Quite naturally you must see your doctor if you have this condition, and if it persists more than a single occasion once in a while.

The taking of over-the-counter antacid remedies can actually worsen the problem by weakening the digestive process (due to the medication?s rebound effect), an! d as the y almost always contain heavy metals (aluminum or magnesium)and can have negative consequences to the neurological system.

Rules To Avoid Heartburn

There are some simple rules, some foods to avoid, and a sleeping position that are proven to limit, and even eliminate GERD and the GERD effect.

Rules to follow:

1. Do not eat later than 3 hours before plan to sleep. Generally, try to eat early in the evening, and always make the evening meal a light one.

2. Reduce your weight.

3. Stop smoking

4. Do not wear very tight clothing that could constrict the abdomen

5. Generally do not eat large meals, but smaller ones, and in the evening before reclining, do not eat any food on the restricted list.

6. Before sleeping, spend a few moments at a window and do some deep breathing, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

This will energize your nervous system and can assist in the prevention of GERD if the other measures are also followed.

Dietary Restrictions: The evening meal must not be large, or heavy, and completed no later than 3 hours before your intended sleep.

Foods to Avoid

There are many foods that must be avoided, and the following list is indicative only It is a guide to sensible evening eating. By use of the word ?avoid? below, we do not mean eliminate, but if you plan to eat any of the following, eat them sparingly.

1. Avoid all acid containing foods (such as coffee, tea, chocolate, orange juice, cranberry juice, tomatoes and tomato sauce), spicy foods (such as garlic and onion). Avoid all soft drinks such as coca-cola and Pepsi cola, and except for special natural mineral digestive waters, all soda water in any form.

2. Avoid fried and fatty foods

3. Avoid any alcohol, peppermint/spearmint, and chocolate.

4. Avoid as much as possible dairy products, including cheese, egg and egg-containing products.

5. Finally, avoid all chewing gum, and any form of sugar, candy or desserts.

The list above may seem re! strictiv e, but any of the foods eaten in excess before sleep can worsen and aggravate the GERD condition.

Avoid Heartburn Physical Measures:

Arrange your bed and pillows to support your shoulders, and elevate your truck to a 15degree angle. This physical limitation does wonders (using gravity) to restrict the GERD effect.

Simple measures to alleviate heartburn

The three measure, as in common sense rules, dietary restriction and sleep position can limit or eliminate the GERD effect.

Should it not, we recommend you consult your doctor immediately for additional measures, as GERD, if left untreated can lead to much more serious conditions.

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