Natural healing of heartburn is possible, but it may be necessary to make some changes in your diet or lifestyle. There are many things that can lead to heartburn, not just the food we eat. Stress and eating in a stressful environment, like at your desk at work may lead to heartburn. If you only experience heartburn on an occasional basis, then you can usually get relief from and over the counter medication like Zantac or a natural heartburn remedy like fennel oil. Different products work best for different people and it may take a little effort on your part to find what works best for you.
Almost everyone has heartburn occasionally. According to a recent survey, 25% of Americans have heartburn once a month and 12% have heartburn once a week. If you have frequent heartburn and nothing is working, you are undoubtedly frustrated. What follows are suggestions for living and eating to achieve natural healing of heartburn, by avoiding the things in your life that cause heartburn. It is not meant to take the place of your physician?s advice. It is merely an accumulation of knowledge from many sources, as well as the writer?s personal experience.
When I about frequent heartburn, he gave me a free sample of Prevacid, which gave me diarrhea. My doctor schedules three patients for every time slot, luckily he has a lot of brochures in his waiting room and one was about natural healing of heartburn. These brochures are published by the pharmaceutical companies, so they always end with; ?Ask your doctor if ?insert brand name here? is right for you?. But they do provide more helpful information than my doctor can in the five minutes he spends in the exam room. If you have frequent heartburn, you should consult your doctor, particularly if you have tried over the counter antacids or a natural heartburn remedy and they do not seem to be working. Regretfully, a single doctor visit may not take care of the problem, but don?t give up. It may take some time to achieve natural healing of heartbu! rn, but in the long run, the time spent is worth it.
Keeping a diary of everything you put into your mouth and noting every time that you have heartburn is helpful. I am sure that you do not feel that you have time; neither did I. But, for natural healing of heartburn it is necessary. You can even do it while you are eating. You can use your day planner. You can send yourself an e-mail from work. This diary will help you achieve results, sometimes in a couple of days. You can also use this diary to record what product you took for heartburn relief and whether or not it worked. A natural heartburn remedy like fennel or gingerroot may relieve the burning sensation or the indigestion, but it will not prevent it. Acidic, spicy and fried foods are common heartburn triggers. In order to achieve natural healing of heartburn, it may be necessary to avoid certain foods, but without the diary, it can be hard to determine what foods to avoid.
My normal routine included a 24 ounce cup of coffee with skim milk and artificial sweetener for breakfast. In order to achieve natural healing of heartburn, I had to give up the coffee for a while. Now I can drink a cup occasionally, but not every day. Most of the time, I drank sodas with meals instead of water. Now, I only drink water with meals and I make sure to drink at least 60 ounces of water per day. Staying well hydrated is important for natural healing of heartburn and for overall good health. If you take an antacid or a natural heartburn remedy, remember to take them with water and not soda or coffee.
I love tomatoes and assumed that, being a vegetable, they were good for me. I never knew that tomatoes were highly acidic. In order to achieve natural healing of heartburn, I learned to avoid tomatoes and tomato products. I can still have them occasionally. They seem to have a cumulative effect on me. I cannot eat them every day or even every other day, but once a week is not a problem. Without a food diary, I might have never learned tha! t tomato es were a problem for me. You may be surprised to learn what foods cause you problems.
I cannot say that I never have heartburn. If feel that I have achieved a natural healing of heartburn, because I do not need a daily medication and I do not experience heartburn symptoms frequently. I have a tendency to eat too much at big holiday meals, but an over the counter antacid, a natural heartburn remedy or even a calcium supplement if I have nothing else will usually work to relieve the symptoms. Frequent heartburn can be a symptom of a more serious illness and frequent heartburn can lead to more serious health problems, such as erosion of the esophagus and even cancer. If you have frequent heartburn, get a physical or see an ear, nose and throat specialist. You can attempt to achieve natural healing of heartburn while you are waiting for an appointment, but whatever you do, don?t ignore it.
For more information about heartburn and other common digestive complaints, visit
Patsy Hamilton writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Visit us at