วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Choose Radiant Health

We hear it on the news consistently: the decline of American health, the rising rate of obesity, and higher incidents of heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

How do we stop this alarming trend?

Given the appropriate nutrients through whole foods eating, the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. Studies show that increasing our intake of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Obviously there are other factors to consider, but if there is something that falls under our power to control - such as what we put into our mouth - why would we do anything less?

Overeating, especially of overly processed and refined foods, can contribute to premature aging. If you eat more food than your body needs, you are taxing the system to break all of that matter down. To add insult to injury, a refined foods diet gives little nutritional value in return for all of this effort. If you worked this hard for your boss and earned nothing in return, how would you feel? Wouldn't you want to rebel?

Eating a nutritionally sound diet does not replace expert medical advice, but it is a complement to it. While self-doctoring is never a wise choice, eating well is good common sense. It makes sense to treat our bodies to the very best we are capable of providing in the form of good nutrition.

Let's say at the age of 20, you are handed a form that lists heart disease, cancer, stroke, and obesity with little boxes next to them. It goes on to say that you should put an X next to as many choices as you want to have of these items. Would you be scrambling to locate a pen and trying to figure out what to choose first? Of course not! No one wants any of these choices. They are truly dread diseases. You would most likely rip this form into pieces and run, not walk, away.

If you were handed a form that lists radiant health, energy, clear skin, and strong bones, you would X all of these items to have for yourself! Now, you need to do what you can to claim those attributes fo! r yourse lf.

Starting with your next meal, be conscious of your choices. If you don't do so already, start reading labels and figure out exactly what you are putting into your body. Are you giving it the best possible materials to work with, or are you taxing it with nutrient-absent foods? Try redefining food. Is it food if it does nothing to fuel you, and is it worthy of you?

You can choose to do your part in not becoming one of the statistics in the news - this is one trend for which you don't want to jump on the bandwagon! Become an expert: learn to do what?s best for yourself, that will provide you with health and the strongest sense of well-being.

Debra Augur has studied holistic nutrition for years, put that knowledge into practice, and has a passion to share that knowledge with others who are seeking their own best health. If we are what we eat, are we denatured, devitalized, deficient and potentially toxic? Visit http://www.eat-well-to-be-well.com to learn more, and begin acquiring your healthiest self.
