วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Water Secrets You Should Never Know

How Water can affect Cholesterol and Heart?

You need to know what kind water is best for your heart? Animal studies have suggested that Chlorine and Fluoride ingestion alters the bodies handling of Cholesterol and Fats. Fluoride is classified at once as a DRUG and as a POISON. In our polluted environment, water is not the answer for our mineral supply so, I sincerely hope you'll take this opportunity to allow me to introduce you to this astonishing special report about water safety, life-preserving and life-enhancing facts.

This is an invaluable source of information that will help you ensure that your future will be as healthy and plaque free as possible.

You will learn the best kept secrets in America... The drinking water worries...

What I propose to do for you involves no risk whatsoever on your part. So, please read carefully and remember... There is a serious lag between when people consume toxic chemicals in their drinking water and when they might ultimately develop symptoms.


You can induce Longevity and good health by drinking quality distilled water...


According to the bottled water report by the U.S. Environmental Agency, plastic bottles arrive at the plant in cardboard cartons and are shipped without caps... thus the interiors are exposed to airborne contamination and the presence of foreign matter. Glass bottles are usually washed with a hot caustic solution but... the temperature and strength of the solution is below the safety level.

Are you drinking bottled water?

Are you drinking filtered water?

We are over 70% Pure Distilled Water! I will give you the opportunity to explode your knowledge about drinking water so you will make wise choices when shopping, cooking and dinning out. I provide you with a tool and it is up to you what to do with it.

Skeptical? I don't blame you. Right now we ALL are exposed to petrifyin! g chemic als in drinking water. The only difference is the amount depending on the area where you live.

Alarming, 20% the nation's lead exposure is due to drinking water.

3-4 million children nationwide have unacceptable lead level in their blood.

One in 6 people drink water with an excessive amount of lead, a heavy metal that impairs children IQ and attention span.

What if your house was build prior to 1988?

Fluoride is an industrial waste product! Due to fluoride exposure, fluoride concentrations are noticeable in:


Fluoride doesn't reduce tooth decay! It is a well-known fact for decades! Anyone who drinks fluoridated water can be exposed to develop osteoporosis and bone fragility.

Fluoride is classified at once as a DRUG and as a POISON! According to Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, U.S. National Cancer Institute: In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.

This means that 30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various cause may now be attributable to fluoridation. This total includes the 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to fluoride induced cancer each year.


The DEVASTATING conclusion by Dr. J. Yiamouyiannis

Everyone being exposed to the level of fluoride found in the drinking water, or who, in any other way increase their fluoride intake, is being chronically poisoned. Recurrent 'upset stomachs, arthritis, skin problems, weakness, etc. are diseases which people begin to accept as normal. As these diseases become more severe, they are attributed to old age.

The good news is... most of fluoride you ingest can be removed from your diet.


Immune system is damaged as a result of fluoridation and chlorinating.

According to a June Report by the General Accounting Office! , and... according to Food Science, from August 15, 1992 water utilities often fail to notify customers when temporary problems arise in the quality of drinking water.

ALL CHEMICALS in drinking water are menacing your health. It is never too late to start drink quality pure water. I guarantee you will feel the difference. There are shocking illnesses resulting from the nitrates, heavy metals and pesticides that became the pollutant of your drinking water.

Know this: Food and Drug Administration regulations apply only to bottled water, which is transported across state lines. Today, legally accepted source of bottled water is wells, springs and public tap water.

Remember... that water is the biggest carrier of diseases. There is no need for you to go on and cripple your health any longer. Discover best remaining solution to stay healthy, and to add vigorous years to your life.

Freelance writer from Europe: Bo Jeune-Fille Background: Alternative Medicine and Biochemistry. For more tips on Self-Healing visit:
