วันพุธที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Chew on This Improve Your Health by Aiding Digestion

Five million men in the United States get heartburn or indigestion from time to time, usually after a large meal. Some, however, experience severe problems. While there are many ways you can help prevent indigestion there are five specific things that you can do right now to help.

Adding fiber to your diet every day not only improves digestion, it may in fact enhance your overall health. Far too many people's diets today consist of junk and fast foods in addition to a lot of meat and high fat meals. These foods only make indigestion worse.

A high-fiber diet will not only aid digestion but can help prevent a wide variety of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. You should avoid foods like broccoli, baked beans, cabbage, cauliflower and carbonated drinks that can give you gas, and consider adding more vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals and nuts to your diet.

Also drink a lot of water which helps lubricate the food content in your digestive tract and makes the absorption of dissolved minerals, vitamins and other nutrients much easier.

Secondly, and perhaps the most often overlooked part of digestion is chewing. Chewing begins the process of breaking down your food and triggers the release of digestive enzymes. Be careful not to not to overeat however, as the more you food you ingest the more acid your stomach produces to digest the food. And the more acid your stomach secretes the the more your chances of getting heartburn and indigestion.

Exercise and avoiding stress is the third step to the prevention of indigestion. Not only will you be leading a healthier lifestyle but your digestive functions will be healthier too. Obesity and lack of exercise can result in stomach pain, diarrhea and symptoms of irritable bowl syndrome. Therefore, exercise can lower the chances of digestive problems. Stress too can adversely effect on digestion. By causing a reduction of blood flow to the abdomen and the secretion of digestive enzymes drops,! the dig estive process slows, and this can lead to heartburn and indigestion.

Antacids can be overused when trying to fight indigestion and heartburn. Stomach acids can that help digest food can sometime reflux, or back up, into the esophagael tract and cause the burning sensation you experience during indigestion. Many people reach for antacids when they feel the burn and often these over-the-counter antacids do indeed help neutralize stomach acid. The problem with overuse however, is your stomach can loose much of its acidity, limit your stomachs digestive function, and open the door to bacterial infections.

Lastly, you can help prevent indigestion by taking digestive enzyme supplements. These enzymes come from plant sources that help to promote good digestion and enhance the absorption of nutrient. Poor diet and poor health result in a lack of adequate amounts of this important enzyme. Therefore, taking digestive enzyme supplements can reduce symptoms of indigestion and upset stomach. Consider taking digestive enzymes even if you are a healthy person, as they can help you keep up your digestive health.

Caring is key for Jill Seimer as she shares healthly living at RefluxLife.com on natural solutions. Recently she published natural healing for acid reflux from her trials on acid reflux disorder symptoms.
