วันเสาร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Hiatal Hernia Acid Reflux GERD Heartburn: Correction SelfAdjustment and Nutritional Aids


A hiatal hernia is a mechanical malfunction of the stomach and valve that controls the direction of food and secretions. As such, a mechanical approach can been adopted to correct the problem. Surgery can correct a hiatal hernia, but it is sometimes criticised for only weakening the area, and encouraging the problem to re-occur.

Another method is to manually bring the stomach down by hand. Only a trained professional can do this, so search for a chiropractor, massage therapist, or applied kinesiologist who understands how to manipulate the stomach by hand.


It is advisable to get a trained professional to try and correct a hiatal hernia, but this is one technique that may be tried solely by the patient:

  • Drink a pint of warm water
  • Stand on your toes
  • Drop to your heels
  • Repeat these steps in succession. The theory is that the warm water relaxes the stomach and diaphragm. It also puts some weight in the stomach and the dropping action makes the water force the stomach down. This method can provide effective relief, depending on the severity of the hiatal hernia.

    Nutritional Aids

    Until a permament solution is found, some relief can be obtained through the right sources of nutrition. Firstly, there are herbs which help absorb the acidic secretions in the stomach and help stop them from making their way back to the esophagus. These are called mucilaginous herbs, and examples are slippery elm and comfrey.

    These herbs assist in protecting the ileocecal valve from becoming irritated, and can aid the healing process after a permament mechanical solution has been implemented. Other items that should be on a hiatal hernia sufferer's shopping list include:

    • Marshmallows: soothes the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal system
    • Papaya and Peppermint
    • Chamomile Tea
    • Safflowers
    • Ginger Root
    • Raw Cabbage Juice
    • Balm
    • Barley Water
    • ! Brown Ri ce
    • Celery
    • Coriander
    • Gentian
    • Hops
    • licorice

    Gas in the abdomen can push the stomach up, so even after a mechanical correction, it is advisable to avoid foods known to cause gas, to reduce the risk of the condition returning. Be careful with combining foods and do not overeat.

    There are further ways to treat a hiatal hernia and acid reflux naturally and safely. For more information visit: http://www.hiatalherniahelp.com

    About The Author: Nick Willis maintains an information and support site for hiatal hernia sufferers. There is information specifically on treating acid reflux, and a health forum to share best practice and advice.
