Although we've been touting the benefits of heart health exercise for fifteen years, a study published in Circulation: The Journal of the American Heart Association stunned even us. The report's bottom line: six months of regular exercise can reverse 30 years of aerobic decline.
The groundbreaking findings were the result of two separate studies conducted in 1966 and 1996. The first study focused on the negative impact of bed rest on physical activity and provided baseline information for the five men involved in the studies. The second study concerned itself with the positive effects of a six-month exercise and fitness program for the same men.
During the 30-year period the fitness level of the subjects, now 50-51 years old had declined significantly. Their cardio fitness had dropped 12%, body weight was up 25% and body fat increased by 100%. By the end of the six months training their cardiovascular fitness had risen by 14%...higher than 30 years earlier.
Darren McGuire, M.D., author of the study noted, An endurance exercise program using a relatively modest intensity of training was able to return the group to levels of aerobic power they had 30 years before.
Another landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine was just published that shows that one's level of fitness is the most important factor in living longer.
Fitness was the strongest predictor of mortality we found. reports study leader Dr. J. Edwin Atwood, It had more to do with longevity than smoking, high blood pressure, a history of heart attacks and chronic emphysema.
We knew exercise was good for us but who would have guessed that it was this powerful? Exercise is not only a magic pill but is truly the fountain of youth.
The cardiologist looked up from the treadmill report and grimly stated, You are a walking time bomb. You need to go to the hospital immediately. Two days later a heart surgeon sawed open Gene Millen's chest and stitched in bypasses to si! x clogge d arteries.
A six way heart bypass isn't a record said Gene, but it's not bad for a skinny 59 year old with normal cholesterol and blood pressure. The villains and heroes in the heart attack melodrama may surprise you as they have me.
Gene Millen reviews new research on heart attack risks that are more dangerous than high cholesterol... and how natural supplements and heart vitamins can send them packing! Check out The Heart Health website at
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